Psychic Hygiene Psychic Hygiene
Physic hygiene is one of the most important things to remember to do not only for astral projection but any magickal workings.
One should always cleanse themselves before and after an astral exercise.
Beforehand because this wipes all the days stress of your aura
you'd be surprised how grimy your aura gets after a day at the office or in places where there is a lot of people.
Afterwards it helps remove any possibilities of negative astral tendrils or astral dust.
_astral dust_
scaly dirt that DOES sometimes materialize in your shower since physical water neutralize and makes it physical.
This happened to me once after spending three days on the astral planes playing with a comet. I came back to my body forgot to cleanse and took a shower and the bottom of my tub had a layer of this "astral dust" materialize physically.
I still have a half cup to this day I had saved with the intention of taking it to the chemistry lab and analyzing it to see what the compounds are made of. I soon took ill after that experience and never got the chance....but I still have it for proof.:-)
anyways if anyone ever gets a materialization of astral dust let me know ok!!!
Back to the point....keeping oneself clean astrally and physically makes it much harder for anything negative to get on your aura plus it revitalizes and energizes your aura.
Making astral projection easier each time you go out.
Its like working out the more you work out the more you can lift. Hence, the more  charged you are the easier it is to "fly."
There are some exercises for cleaning ones aura but if you have your own way go for it.
Always go for what feels right to you.
Aura cleaning one:

   A quickie LOL
   this can be done anywhere anytime when you have a few
   moments of quite time. See a white light around you.
   Breath relax get real into it as much as you can then see
   two large white hands come down and gently start to clean
   your aura from your head all the way down cleaning all the
   dirt and negativity away front sides all over then see the
   white hands disappear and your feeling all clean again.
Aura cleaning two:
   Another way to cleanse is go outside cast a simple circle
   ground yourself from your root chakra to Mother Earth, do a    rhythm breathing[i.e. breath in on a five count hold for
   three heartbeats expel on a five count hold for three
   heartbeats] center yourself hear nothing but your heartbeat
   feel the wind then feel your aura tingle feel it crawl up
   your leg swirling and getting stronger see as white energy
   coming from Mother Earth keep breathing and feel it climb
   getting stronger as you expel breath feel the negativity
   leave into Mother Earth to cleansed by Her. When you have
   felt the energy all the way up see a golden beam from the
   sun shining down on you cleansing all the dirt and
   negativity form your aura. Feel it cleaning then feel it
   charging your aura making it stronger more energized. then
   let the sunbeam go back and put your favorite shield up
   around you to keep you clean for longer periods.
Aura cleaning three:
Sit in your bath or any place comfortable and see a white bubble around you. then imagine yourself at your special place.
If you dont have a special place...a scared place...make one
it can be anything form a cabin in the woods to a castle by the ocean.
Make the place yours
add an altar and consecrate in your mind.
Go to your spot and imagine a cool blue pool of water and see yourself walking into it toward a small gentle waterfall. Go inside under the water and let it cleanse your whole body taking all the illness all the bad vibes off of you and as it goes into the water know the water will take it and turn it into something positive.
Stay there as long as you like then when you are done come back to your body and the psychical plane by taking deep breaths and opening your eyes
This is a good exercise for anyone to be able to do on command.
It creates a safe zone for your mind to go if you are stress. physically and a safe zone for your astral self to go if you run into trouble on the astral plane.

Chakra and aura cleansing Go outside to a place in the sun that you can use for this all the time. Make a circle of white light stand facing east if you can. Open your chakras as if you were going to astral out and then imagine from the sun a golden beam of light gently coming toward you and going to your crown chakra. See it cleaning and healing and balancing and re-energizing your crown chakra then have the beam move to your brow chakra think the same thing cleaning healing and balancing and re-energizing my brow chakra then your throat chakra heart chakra solar plex chakra even though its not in the loop sex chakra root chakra and your feet chakras then have it beam all over your aura cleansing healing balancing and re-energizing your aura let the beam go back to the sun and close down your chakras just like in the astral opening up lesson give thanks and open your circle. you are done.
 Clarrissa/Spiritwolf Walker


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