the chakra opening is heavily influenced by Denning and Phillips- giving
credit where
credit is due
after all this hullabaloo over copyright crap- the words for making a circle
is also theirs but I like it and it works for me so I use it. The words
are simple, easy to
memorize and effective,
however, the book, IMHO, does NOT state protection as heavily
as I would
and do in my book. Their approach is very nice_nice minded. True though
most do not have any problems in the astral planes but my mind is this:
when you get in your car to drive you put your seat belt on.
Because you MIGHT
get into an accident and the damage would be less if any at all
if your seat belt
is on. Now some of us don't use seat belts at all and most cases
nothing happens.
Same is true with astral projection, however, that one in a thousand
shot and bam you
are fucked up- excuse my language but its true- astral projection is
VERY much like getting
into your car, your astral vehicle is then controlled by your
conscious mind. So
I always stress using your astral seat belt which is a circle or a shield
until you get good
enough to put one in place with just a mere thought. Which,
we all know takes
practice so until then use a circle as I hope you use a seat belt.
*This is teacher talking
here, rapping knuckles with a ruler* LMAO
by Clarrissa/Spiritwolf
and Shielding Ritual
exercise for those who are hurt inside
Seven Step Method for Astral Projection
